
"Boxed" is a one-act about the fears people hide (in boxes) and the ways they upack and deal with these fears and insecurities. The play is easy to produce and can be performed with two actors playing all the roles or up to nineteen actors. "Boxed" is ideal for Drama classes and can lead to interesting class discussions.


In the original production each character had a shirt with a word on it that represented their character. See the word in parenthesis next to each character for a suggestion. But feel free to change each word to suit your production. For example, it would be simple and effective to have each cast member create their own shirt with a word they select and write that word on their shirt.


The literal and metaphoric aspects of the show involve boxes of various sizes and what the characters in the play keep in them.

Casting Breakdown
Flexible casting
2-19 (doubling possible)
Simple set (only cardboard boxes and minimal props)
Recommended for junior high and up
14 pages
“Boxed” is a minimalist one-act that has a flexible cast and works well for classes, performances, and competitions. “Boxed” won 1 st place at the 2013 Rancho Cucamonga High School One-Act Festival.

One digital download of Boxed (One Act Play) by Christian Kiley

Perusal Script (PDF download)

Script Distribution License (includes printable and shareable PDF of the script) of Boxed (One Act Play) by Christian Kiley.

PDF download of the script

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